Storytelling for Radio and Podcast format

Tipp202302Sep9:3016:009:30 - 16:00(GMT+02:00) Storytelling for Radio and Podcast formatby journalist Péter Zentai, Klubradio, BudapestTypWorkshopSpracheEnglisch

Inhalt der Veranstaltung

  • Building up a story
  • How to report on a special issue – if one have 5 minutes, and what if one have 10, 20 or 45
  • What to do if you can’t find the proper person who could give you an interview, what if you
    have too many?
  • How to deal with unexpected situations – what if you accidentally invite a hobby hunter to a
    show which aims the protection of wildlife?
  • (Radio) genres – how to touch a topic?
  • How to find the balance between being informative, authentic, credible, and being
    „entertaining“ or absorbing.
  • What are the ethical frameworks – do not manipulate the content to reach a huge audience
    but achieve what you like and the given issue needed to be achieved.

Workshop contain exercises, using the studios of Civil Radio and the streets of Budapest!

Péter Zentai
The presenter, Péter Zentai, is a professional, very experienced journalist who worked for many type
of media and press, mostly as a foreign correspondent abroad. Currently he is working for Klubradio
Though he has always been a professional journalist, he is rather like an adventurer, who really knows
the community media. He has many stories about how he made content among surreal and
impossible circumstances.


2. September 2023 9:30 - 16:00(GMT+02:00)