AI Tools for (radio) journalistic purposes

Tipp202323Okt9:3013:309:30 - 13:30(GMT+02:00) AI Tools for (radio) journalistic purposeswith Thomas Viehböck, artist and technical director of the Future Thinking School by Ars ElectronicaTypWorkshopSpracheEnglisch

Inhalt der Veranstaltung

09:30 Welcome and introduction

10:00 What is AI & how does it learn to recognize something?
Artificial intelligence – from recognizing to creating

11:00 coffee break

11:15 AI in practice – text, images, music including discussion

12:00 AI in practice – voice generation, translation, journalistic applications

12:45 Coffee break

13:00 AI systems: requirements and biases AI in the media
final discussion and summary

13:30 closing Words

Thomas Viehböck
After long experience as a freelance music producer and the IT expert, Thomas Viehböck came to the Ars Electronica Center in 2011. He worked at RoboLab and VRLab, and in international project management at Ars Electronica Solutions. He has been the technical director of the Future Thinking School since 2020 and in this role has developed and implemented numerous further training programs on the subject of artificial intelligence, among other things.


23. Oktober 2023 9:30 - 13:30(GMT+02:00)