introduction to the media scene in Budapest / Hungary

202303Sep10:0011:0010:00 - 11:00(GMT+02:00) introduction to the media scene in Budapest / HungaryVisit to the Eper RadioTypWorkshopSpracheEnglisch

Inhalt der Veranstaltung

The differences in journalism between Eastern and Western Europe were highlighted in an intensive workshop.

Espacally the practice of journalism during the socialist era was discussed. Back then, journalism was characterised by state control and censorship. Journalists often had to support the ideology of the ruling party and critical reporting could have serious consequences. The discussion also covered the dangers journalists faced during this time and the changes in journalism since the end of socialism. With the transition to democracies, there was greater media freedom and diversity, but the topics of self-censorship in the West and the Western European media’s image of Eastern Europe were also discussed.

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Civil Radio Studio session


3. September 2023 10:00 - 11:00(GMT+02:00)