Yearly Archives: 2020

10 posts

Social Media & PR

Digitalisation is advancing and simply “making radio” is usually no longer enough. To make our radio visible we also have to be present on social media and keep the followers happy. But not only social media is an important challenge for us, also internal public relations. How do we best […]


The Lohrothek is an editorial system developed initally for free Radio Lohro in Rostock. Within our projekt danube streamwaves digital we presented it to interested free radios. In order to use it internationally, work is still being carried out on localizing the backend. Front end is already localized to English. […]

Automated Radio

Automated Radio (AuRa) is a concept for automating program planning and playout. The modular approach was tailored specifically to the needs of independent radio stations. The initiative for AuRa came from five Austrian stations Radiofabrik (Salzburg), Radio FRO (Linz), Freies Radio Freistadt, ORANGE 94.0 (Vienna) and Radio Helsinki (Graz). They […]

Hompage with integrated print production

Necessity is the mother of invention – almost a doctrine in free radios. Freies Radio für Stuttgart regularly publishes the print magazine Modulator. In the early years, many free radios had similar print products. They are partly publicity for the diverse program, but also contain additional jounalitic content. Most radio […]

from programme exchange to online archives

Programme exchange was the most important motivation for networking among independent radios in the 90th. It’s hard to imagine how that worked without the internet: People sent each other copied lists (yes, photocopiers already existed) by letter. Such a thick envelope contained often handwritten lists descriping library holdings of stations […]

A Statement from our friends in Budapest:

One step closer to justice In November 2019 Foundation for Civil Radio filed a lawsuit against a decision by the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority that from December 21, 2019 Civil Radio had to stop its broadcasting on the air. We knew that this legal action […]