
17 posts

Tamás Jamriskó - Credit Gábor Rusznák

Is there a podcast future maintaining the non-negotiables of community radio? Securing freedom of expression in Hungary is at the core!

Talking with Tamás Jamriskó, Editor-in-Chief of the small community radio EPER (Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádió) – the first university radio of the city of Pest in Hungary, the question is challenging, but easy: a child of the 90s he realized that the ‘community radio’ that the older generation of the […]

Katharina Biringer (l.) in discussion with moderator Fabian Ekstedt (r.)

Public value of community media in the Danube region

What use and value do free radio stations have for society? The participants of the discussion round will ask themselves this question on stage: Ákos Cserháti von Civil Radio, Budapest Erwin Köhler, MdL Grüne Sabine Fratzke, BfR, AFF Vladimir Radinović, Vorstand CMFE Katharina Biringer, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften chat with […]

European Cultural Backbone 2.0

ECB 2.0 is an initiative to build a federated platform for European civil society media and content producers. Launched by developers, archivists and community media providers, we aim to connect communities across Europe by developing a sustainable and self-managed alternative to centralized commercial services for the publishing and preservation of […]